Sunday, July 10, 2005

virgin post @ que la baise after how long...i can access tis stupid blog.....
yah...cwng told mi to spice things up a lil...but then again....nothing beats ppl complaining abt things tat happened to them....probably like KT's bday party todae n his emotional n "touching" yah..but tml i got tis roadshow for mi smu project at junction 8 tml from 11 to pls come down n ji siao abit yah...

PS: parry..pls invite ang for ur bday celebration at brewerkz...cos tat fucker still owe mi 5 bucks for KT's present..thnx...=P


Blogger LIM KOPI said...

No prob, he owns me money for taxi too

9:58 AM

Blogger tong said...

yay welcome lawrence

11:57 PM


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