Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Keep thy mouth shut

In today's edition of TODAY newspaper page 43. Quote from President Chirac "One cannot trust people whose cusine is so bad. The only thing they(London) have ever done for European agriculture is mad cow disease. After Finland, it is the country with the worst food."
I guess if someone like 2WO See was the Prime minister of Britain, he would probably rant ' I do my job, you do your job, not like some people only know how to open their big CxxxBxx mouth' What do you guys think? I guess the lesson learnt is that it ain't over till the fat lady sings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i love their bitching. esp blair's rejoinder: "Particularly at this moment, if you will forgive me, I don't want to get tempted down that path," he said with a grin when asked about the cookery comments.

8:47 AM


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