Monday, June 27, 2005

BBQ guyz~

hey so many july babies haha
i'm gonna hold a bbq on the 9th july (saturday night) to celebrate my birthday.... just take it as a get together la nothing fancy hehe it'll be at my place, in the evening.... everyone is invited!

uh aru, parry, hong guan, and yao hong, can spread to ur platoons? thanks man
if need the address look for..............................LAWRENCE CHOW!!!hahaa


Blogger kre- said...

sorry babe, i wont be in town on that weekend. will be in laos!~~!

hahaha. have fun ya all~

10:57 PM

Blogger LIM KOPI said...

Anything you say bro but as you know, I won't dial Mr Michael Schumacher

8:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

apparently..f1 knows abt the think he'll b there...

aniwayz..anione interested in going for a bash at momo after dan's bbq?..i'm helping to sell tix~...comon cwng, parry, aru, hongy..i know u want it esp cwng=P

7:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you guys go lorh

8:32 PM


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