Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Cheap Thrill

This resort-styled hotel I'm at now has a personal housekeeper within each resort, and free Internet access and movie entertainment system. There's not much night life here, so here I am slacking and typing this. Its amazing that the sun just set, considering that its 8.30pm.
Well, 丽江 has been quite an exciting experience, learning about diverse cultures and a truly different way of living so unlike ostentatious sg. Will show pics next time when I return!
And to Daniel: sorry man, but I will be in bangkok then. can ask perhaps someone else to pass the message as its not convenient for me now... till then.

Cheers everyone!


Blogger tong said...

hey its changed to the 8th... u free then?

12:44 AM

Blogger VotreX said...

leaving on the 7th and coming back on the 11th... :(

7:55 PM


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