Monday, July 04, 2005


If you are doubtful about the quality of English in China, I can assure you that it is horrible. Apart from calling the dustbin the "Destination of the Litter", it is also called a "Rubbish Receptacle", which sounds a little too deep for my liking. Funny sentences galore, including "Please step the stairs", "No Entry once you go beyond 1.2m" and many many more. They really need to do something about this before Beijing 2008.

Overall it is an inspiring (albeit tiring) trip with magnificent scenery, great food, rich culture and friendly people. Healthy respite from sun-scorched, expensive SG.
Can't wait for my BKK trip next week. :)


Blogger tong said...

destination of the litter haha thats a good one!

1:36 PM


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