Saturday, July 30, 2005


tony is studying architecture too!! what a coincidence.
i think uni life would be very interesting. heheh.. what modules are u nus pple taking?


Blogger VotreX said...

no shit
tony the tony

7:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said... guess wat..
dunno if u all remember tis fat ass RP back at sungei gedong...the guai lan one who almost fought wif the men once wif a baton...ya..tis dude is now the CISCO security guard of smu some peeps r just born to do such shit..hahaha

5:01 PM

Blogger tong said...

wooo thats freaky haha is he getting in fights with students now?

6:45 PM

Blogger VotreX said...

wow cool sia
hes pathetic

12:01 AM

Blogger LIM KOPI said...

HG is beginning to sound vulgar. Finally yielding to the dark side eh

12:49 AM

Blogger VotreX said...

thanks parry like i needed that

9:12 PM


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