Thursday, April 28, 2005

where's the love?

i just saw the video in cheewei's post. the one with the animals being skinned alive. i have this to say: hey thats just downright fucking sick lah. wat kinda perverse, sadistic beast sees a cute little fox and thinks: 'hey lets skin it in the most inhuman way possible!'? wat the fuck man?

in a happier note, i finally found out what finger exercise books mean by 'stop playing when your fingers hurt'. this, after 2 hrs of chopin's fantaisie-impromtu hehe... boy do i have a lng way to go


Blogger VotreX said...

way to go on the chopin!
remember to pay more attention to the centre slow part. Its much more difficult to attain the emotional musicality than the fast passages, contrary to popular belief. Jiayou!!

11:58 PM

Blogger tong said...

okok will do. uh actually haven't got there yet...
still at the second page middle.. haha

7:14 PM


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