Thursday, April 21, 2005


Peeps. I believe a dinner + movie is in line. Haven't seen some of you guys since the day we left camp. If everybody concurs, please choose a date and time and venue. Expect lotsa ennui and maybe some alcohol or not.


I miss my yin du tong bao! Where is aru??? Haha


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bring y tu mama tambien!

6:11 PM

Blogger VotreX said...

mmm... lotsa sex in that one

10:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait fer mi come back then meet leh~

11:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the time you come back, may already.

11:57 PM

Blogger kre- said...

haha! okay remind me again! sure forget one..lend me chunking express!!!

1:50 PM


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