Friday, May 13, 2005

Auntie Jealousy?

The aunties at work are jealous because my boss is exceptionally nice to me. The most venomous one who sits opposite me has been sniping at me. Like, what's the point man? I'm a temp worker and I'm not stealing your rice bowl. I even take my time to help you to find a solution to automate your task so your workload can be reduced. Grr. Women are really vats of vinegar. More than once this week that I have been called the boss' new buddy and people have been saying mean things. Well...Whatever man. Parry sure has a first rate experience of this too~

MSN should never be used in the office. Today I got the web version running and my brain promptly stopped work way before lunch. I was just hoping that six might come sooner so I can leave while engaging in several conversations online. (parry, tong, zhicheng...)

All you people should be ashamed of yourself for using MSN at work!

Last week, I heard a familiar voice before I saw the person approach me outside a toilet...His hair is so blond, my god...Guess who? Hahaha.


Blogger tong said...

haha that seems to happen a lot hor...
always let the temp staff take the rap... and by the way, i'm not working for the time being ok... so i dun use msn while i'm at work....

12:00 AM

Blogger VotreX said...

could be anybody..

9:51 AM

Blogger tong said...

ya who ah? with the golden hair?

11:46 PM


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