Tuesday, May 31, 2005


每天我醒来在床上就在发呆 我的脑袋跟天花板一样空白
昨天在干嘛 明天要干嘛 我的灵魂 似乎不在我的身上
唉呀 未接电话那么多 我想 狗屁事也非常多
我希望 这是一场梦 可以让我 轻轻松松忘掉很多

What? one week and no post.
I was dying to read something.
Haven't exercised this past week for several reasons.. an office job makes you real sluggish.

There's this guy who makes customized sneakers and makes it sound easy.. he gets white vans and colors with fabric marker and then spray over with waterproof coating. If it's so easy.. I wanna try!


Blogger kre- said...

we're all growing fat because of our desk bound jobs?

11:29 PM


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